Proteomedix Frontiers


Literature: Please find below the list of current scientific publications available to better understand this outstanding technology

Publicationlist of Quantitative Targeted Absolute Proteomics (QTAP) Research-2


Updated at April 1, 2016



5) Characterization of In Vitro and In Vivo Model

24.       Schaefer O, Ohtsuki S, Kawakami H, Inoue T, Liehner S, Saito A,Sakamoto A, Ishiguro N, Matsumaru T, Terasaki T,Ebner T., Absolute quantitation and differential expression ofdrug transporters, Cytochrome P450 Enzymes and UDP-Glucuronosyltransferases incultured primary human hepatocytes. Drug MetabDispos., 40(1):93-103 (2012).

25.       Agarwal S, Uchida Y, Mittapalli RK, Sane R, Terasaki T,Elmquist WF,Quantitative Proteomics of Transporter Expression in Brain CapillaryEndothelial Cells Isolated from P-gpBcrp, and P-gp/Bcrp KnockoutMice. Drug Metab.Dispos., 40(6):1164-1169 (2012).

26.       Ohtsuki S, Ikeda C,Uchida Y, Sakamoto Y, Miller F, Glacial F,Decleves X, Scherrmann JM, Couraud PO, Kubo Y,Tachikawa M, Terasaki T.,Quantitative targeted absolute proteomic analysis of transporters, receptorsand junction proteins for validation of human cerebral microvascularendothelial cell line hCMEC/D3 as a human blood-brain barrier model. Mol Pharm., 10(1):289-296 (2013).

27.       KazukiY, Kobayashi K, Aueviriyavit S, Oshima T, Kuroiwa Y,Tsukazaki Y, Senda N, KawakamiH, Ohtsuki S, Abe S,Takiguchi M, Hoshiya H, Kajitani N, Takehara S, Kubo K,Terasaki T, Chiba K, Tomizuka K, Oshimura M.Trans-chromosomic mice containing a human CYP3A cluster for prediction ofxenobiotic metabolism in humans. Hum MolGenet. 22(3):578-592 (2013).

28.       Ohtsuki S, KawakamiH, Inoue T, Nakamura K, Tateno C,Katsukura Y, Obuchi W,Uchida Y, Kamiie J, Horie T, TerasakiT., Validation of uPA/SCID mousewith humanized liver as a human liver model: protein quantification oftransporters, cytochromes P450, and UDP-glucuronosyltransferases by LC-MS/MS, Drug MetabDispos. 42(6),1039-1043 (2014).

29.       Uchida Y, Ohtsuki S, Kamiie J, Ohmine K, Iwase R, TerasakiT., Quantitative targeted absolute proteomics for 28 humantransporters in plasma membrane of Caco-2 cell monolayer cultured for 2, 3, and4 weeks. Drug Metab.Pharmacokin., 30(2): 205-208 (2015).

30.       Gartzke D1, Delzer J, Laplanche L, Uchida Y,Hoshi Y,Tachikawa M, Terasaki T, Sydor J, Fricker G., Genomic Knockout of Endogenous Canine P-Glycoproteinin Wild-Type, Human P-Glycoprotein and Human BCRP Transfected MDCKII Cell Linesby Zinc Finger Nucleases. Pharm Res.,32(6):2060-2071 (2015).

6) Application for the Analysis of Determinant Protein for the DrugSensitivity

31.       Ohmine K, KawaguchiK, Ohtsuki S, Motoi F, Egawa S, UnnoM, Terasaki T, Attenuation of Phosphorylation by Deoxycytidine Kinaseis Key to Acquired Gemcitabine Resistance in a Pancreatic Cancer Cell Line:Targeted Proteomic and Metabolomic Analyses in PK9 Cells. Pharm. Res., 29(7):2006-2016 (2012).

32.       Obuchi W, Ohtsuki S, Uchida Y, Ohmine K, Yamori T,Terasaki T.,Identification of transporters associated with etoposide sensitivity of stomachcancer cell lines and methotrexate sensitivity of breast cancer cell lines byquantitative targeted absolute proteomics, MolPharmacol.,83(2):490-500(2013).  

7) Prediction of In Vivo Drug Distribution in the Brain  

33.       Uchida Y, Ohtsuki S, Kamiie J and Terasaki T, Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB) pharmacoproteomics (PPx): Reconstruction of in vivo brain distribution of 11P-glycoprotein substrates based on the BBB transporter protein concentration,in vitro intrinsic transport activity, and unbound fraction in plasma and brainin mice. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 339 (2): 579-588(2011).

34.       Uchida Y, Wakayama K, Ohtsuki S, Chiba M, Ohe T, Ishii Y,Terasaki T.,Blood-Brain Barrier Pharmacoproteomics-based Reconstruction of the In-Vivo Brain Distribution ofP-glycoprotein Substrates in Cynomolgus Monkeys. JPharmacolExpTher350(3):578-588 (2014).

35.       Uchida Y, Ohtsuki S, Terasaki T., Pharmacoproteomics-based Reconstruction of In Vivo P-Glycoprotein Function atBlood-Brain Barrier and Brain Distribution of Substrate Verapamil in Pentylenetetrazole-kindled Epilepsy, Spontaneous Epilepsy and Phenytoin Treatment Models.Drug MetabDispos42: 1719-1726 (2014).

8) Clinical Application

36.       Yoshikawa A, Nakada M, Ohtsuki S, Hayashi Y, Obuchi W, Sato Y, Ikeda C, Watanabe T,Kawahara Y, Hasegawa T, SabitH, Kita D, Hayashi Y, Nakanuma Y, Terasaki T and HamadaJ, Recurrent anaplastic meningioma treated by sunitinib based on theabsolute quantitative proteomics. Neuropath. Appl.Neurobiol., 38: 105–110(2012).

37.       Yoneyama T, Ohtsuki S, Ono M, Ohmine K, Uchida Y, Yamada T, Tachikawa M, Terasaki T.Quantitative targeted absolute proteomics-based large-scale quantification ofproline-hydroxylated α-fibrinogen in plasma for pancreatic cancer diagnosis. J Proteome Res. 12(2):753-762 (2013).

38.       OhmineK, KawaguchiK, Ohtsuki S, Motoi F, Ohtsuka H,Kamiie J, Abe T, Unno M and Terasaki T,Quantitative targeted proteomics of pancreatic cancer: Deoxycytidine kinaseprotein level correlates to progression-free survival of patients receivinggemcitabine treatment, Mol. Pharm., 12(9):3282-91(2015).  doi:10.1021/acs.molpharmaceut.5b00282

39.       Lloret-Linares C., Miyauchi E.,Luo H., Labat L., Bouillot JL., Poitou C., Oppert JM., Laplanche JL., Mouly S.,Scherrmann JM., Uchida Y., Tachikawa M., Terasaki T., Bergmann JF., DeclèvesX., Oral morphine pharmacokinetic in obesity: the role of P-glycoprotein, MRP2,MRP3, UGT2B7 and CYP3A4 jejunal contents and obesity-associated biomarkers,Mol.Pharm., 13(3):766-773 (20016). doi: 10.1021/acs.molpharmaceut.5b00656.


9) Miscellaneous

40.       Ito S., Matsumiya K., Ohtsuki S., Kamiie J., Terasaki T., Contributions of degradation and elimination acrossthe blood-brain barrier to cerebral clearance of human amyloid-betapeptide(1-40) in mouse brain. J. Cereb. Blood FlowMetab.,33(11):1770-1777 (2013).

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